Community Building and Management

Concordia College hosts all-day MLK day event [Video]

FARGO, N.D. (Valley News Live) – Concordia College honors Dr. Martin Luthor King’s legacy today by hosting an all day community event.

The theme of the event is “Voices of Empowerment.” A panel of local activists, students, faculty, and keynote speaker, Dr. Jaimee Swift honor Dr. King’s legacy by participating in a variety of events to inform and inspire the student body and members of the community.

“Today is a whole range of events. So there is no school on campus however students are required but they are expected to come to these events so this morning we had a round of concurrent sessions so different students, faculty, departments, can sign up to talk about stuff that are along with MLK’s values,” said student leader, Yelitza Hernandez-Guitron.

Concordia representatives say events like this are extremely important and help to provide intercultural understanding for community and students as people continue to …

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