Community Building and Management

Community leaders from Las Vegas tour GRAND Mental Health clinics in Tulsa | News [Video]

TULSA, Okla. — GRAND Mental Health hosted leaders from major Las Vegas municipalities including the City of Las Vegas Community Services and Engagement Director, Neighborhood Services Director, Councilman Brian Knudsen and others from the state of Nevada.

On Tuesday, they toured GRAND Mental Health clinics seeking advice on best practices on running successful Urgent Recovery Centers and a Residential Addiction Recovery Centers.

“In Las Vegas, we’re trying to build a mental health system and what we found is in Tulsa, specifically with GRAND, they’re doing it the right way,” said Councilman Brian Knudsen. “We want to make sure that we can copy the best practices around the country and here in Tulsa, with GRAND, they really nailed down a strategy to work with people who have mental health and addiction issues.”

Their goal is to discover how the entire model operates from client intake to assessment and finding the best …

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