Community Building and Management

Community impact story: The Dame Kelly Holmes Trust [Video]

The ‘On Track to Achieve’ (OTTA) program, run by our partners at The Dame Kelly Holmes Trust, is a transformative initiative dedicated to building confidence, resilience, self-esteem and overall wellbeing among young people. The program places world-class athletes shoulder-to-shoulder with students in 12 local schools, delivering incredible community impact through inspiring mentorship, empowering young individuals to realise their potential.

In February 2024, ‘On Track to Achieve’ and Westfield Health were honoured with the Sports Gives Back Community Partnership Impact Award on national TV for its remarkable positive impact on over 300 young people in Sheffield.

Through the partnership so far, we’ve supported 164 young people in education via OTTA, delivered by dedicated athlete mentors. The initiative targets young people, including those with social workers, pupil premium, social and emotional mental health challenges, and those in need of positive role models. The program aims to enhance their confidence, resilience and wellbeing, instilling a winning mindset …

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