Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

Comeback Town: Birmingham must seize opportunities before its too late [Video]

This is an opinion column

Today’s guest columnist is Steve Ammons.

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Birmingham is bringing back one of its most successful initiatives.

An initiative that delivered great dividends for Birmingham, but was discontinued 15 years ago.

But it’s now being revived and it promises a big payoff.

While we celebrate the successes of all that we enjoy here, we must also consider the opportunities that have slipped through our fingers. And, more importantly, why we must strive to seize future opportunities before it’s too late.

Birmingham’s quality of life is something to be proud of. In my role leading the Birmingham Business Alliance, I have a front row seat to experiencing first impressions of our community from the countless number of visitors, site developers and business leaders we bring in regularly.

Time and time again, our team is told how impressed visitors are by the city’s charm and potential. Just recently, a …

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