The free event will be held at Segra Park in Columbia.
COLUMBIA, S.C. — For some, the holiday season isn’t over just yet. The Latino Community Development is bringing the annual Three Kings Day Festival to Columbia for the 12th year.
“It is so meaningful and so culturally specific and of importance, because we know how largely this is celebrated across the globe,” Tonya Rodriguez-Hodges, the Latino Community Development executive director, said.
The holiday is celebrated on Jan. 6 every year, marking the 12th day of Christmas.
“It is a significant day because it is equivalent to many of us as Christmas, and it’s a day that we want to share with the community, we want to have everyone to come together as one, and also a day where we can continue the celebration into January, because the season isn’t over yet,” Rodriguez-Hodges said.
Although the birth of Jesus is celebrated on Dec. 25, …