Community Building and Management

Colorado woman promotes message of disability empowerment [Video]

GLENWOOD SPRINGS, Colo. Cady Bell had to drastically change everything about her life after getting an unexpected diagnosis around three years ago. 

“Doctors didn’t know if it was just growing pains or what it could be. They checked for arthritis and autoimmune disorders and everything. But I was getting to the point where I couldn’t get through the grocery store because I was getting too fatigued,” said Bell.

After six years of researching on her own and going to various doctors for tests, a specialist discovered Bell has a rare genetic disorder called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, or EDS. 

“It’s a connective tissue disorder. So, all of your ligaments, tendons and all of that are too loose — your skin — everything,” she explained. “So, my joints will dislocate. I’ll be walking and my hip will pop out or my SI [sacroiliac joint] joint will come out. And I’m what you call an ambulatory …

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