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CMG shines at 24th ASBU Festival in Tunisia [Video]

Integrated Solutions Offering

The 24th Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU) Radio and TV Festival concluded on Saturday in the capital city of Tunis, focusing on topics such as the application of artificial intelligence in communication and the transformation and upgrading of broadcast media. The four-day event, organized by the ASBU, saw significant interest in China-Arab cooperation.

As a member of the ASBU, CMG was invited to participate in the festival and set up a dedicated booth, showcasing a variety of premium programs including “Opportunity China – Decoding New Quality Productivity” and “AI and Classics.”

Promoting Chinese dramas, documentaries, and animated series, the booth attracted widespread attention from Arab media and local audiences. Key highlights included presentations on CMG’s “5G+4K/8K+AI” strategic plan and the innovative application of big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence in the media.

Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Interim Minister of Cultural Affairs Moncef Boukthir, President …

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