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How to Market to Expensive Keywords
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Clif High Confirms The Brunson Brothers Case Is REAL and Will Hit Soon! * * by Noah [Video]

Integrated Solutions Offering

I’ve covered Clif High here many times before…

While I certainly don’t agree with all of his world views, two things are true: (1) his software programs that scrub the Internet and then use what he called “predictive linguistics” to predict future world events have been incredibly accurate of the last 10-15 years, and (2) he is absolutely fascinating to listen to.

And I don’t think it’s healthy to only listen to people who you agree with 100% because all you end up doing is forming a (very small) little Holy Huddle and isolating yourself from the world, because truth be told, there isn’t ANYONE out there who you’re going to agree with 100%.

So that’s my take on Clif.

And as always, he has a standing invitation to come on my show for a chat.

But today I really want to focus on something he said recently that caught me completely off guard.

I did not even think Clif was aware of the …

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