Community Building and Management

Cleveland Moves plan working to make streets safer [Video]

The city’s five-year-plan looks to address community concerns while building out Cleveland’s bike network and implementing roadway safety measures.

CLEVELAND — From cars and trucks to bikers and walkers, Cleveland’s roads are busy. Unfortunately, that also means Cleveland roads can become the site of accidents and crashes, leading the city to take action to improve roadway safety. 

Cleveland Moves is the city’s five-year multimodal transportation plan aimed at making the streets safer. According to information on the plan posted to the city’s website, Cleveland Moves will make it “safer, more convenient, and more comfortable to get around Cleveland.” 

The plan will look into bicycle and pedestrian safety issues, review existing policies, develop the Midway Bikeway Network, recommend a connected bike network based on updates to the 2007 Bikeway Master Plan and transit network and ultimately create a five-year implementation plan, according to the webpage.

Sarah Davis, senior active transportation planner for the City of …

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