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City of Spokane ask for community input on climate planning efforts | News [Video]

SPOKANE, Wash. — The City of Spokane is asking residents for feedback as it crafts a comprehensive climate plan. 

Through January 31, Spokanites can make their voices heard and share how they think Spokane should handle climate and environmental issues by taking the Climate Community Survey

The survey is part of Spokane’s work to create a comprehensive climate plan. 

In 2023, the Washington State Legislature adopted House Bill 1181, requiring cities to include a climate element into their comprehensive plans. 

Since 2024, The City of Spokane has worked with an outside consulting firm to assess Spokane’s climate needs, collect data and community feedback and analyze findings to create the new plan. 

Some of the comprehensive climate plan’s goals will include reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening disaster preparedness and response plans, prioritizing environmental justice and engaging communities that face the greatest environmental risks. 

The online survey should take about 10 minutes and will ask for feedback on how weather and …

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