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City denies high-rise development in Northgate district [Video]

Community Building and Management

Citizens, local business owners and other stakeholders packed into College Station City Hall on Thursday night to discuss Northgate and the proposed sale of the city-owned parking lot to build a high-rise.

After listening to all sides, city councilors ultimately decided to unanimously approve the Northgate small area plan, but denied the high-rise development in a 5-2 vote. Councilors Mark Smith and William Wright voted against the denial.

Council had two agenda items regarding Northgate during Thursday’s meeting: overall planning efforts of Northgate and the immediate sale of a surface parking lot on Patricia Street to Capstone Communities. The small area plan would analyze existing conditions and generate a draft plan with input from stakeholders to continue to develop the area. As a proposed timeline for the Northgate small area plan, city staff would search for public feedback and discussion in February, update council in March, finalize the plan in …

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