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Cincinnati Children’s throwers clinic helps keep kids injury-free [Video]

Integrated Solutions Offering

CINCINNATI — We hear about injuries plaguing the pros, but even kids can suffer strains and sprains from overuse and repetitive throwing.

Now Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center has a clinic for that, offering solutions to young athletes before they take the mound this summer.

Throwing the perfect pitch over and over is great if you’re trying to strike out batters, but it’s not so great when the repetitive motion starts to hurt a young player’s arm.

“If they’re throwing too much, or they’re throwing too often, or perhaps they’re able to throw maybe too hard before their body is able to accommodate some of the stresses, then we’re looking at maybe another chance for them to potentially have some injuries,” said Cincinnati Children’s Physical Therapist Jason Hugentobler.

Physical Therapist and Sports Physical Therapy Residency Director Hugentobler stresses the importance of warming up to avoid these sports-related injuries.

“[Kids are] rushing, they’re trying to get there, they’re putting the …

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