Public Relations

Christian whistleblower nurse is FIRED by children’s hospital after exposing ‘federal funding of gender-affirming care’ [Video]

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The Christian nurse who blew the whistle on Texas Children’s Hospital allegedly using federal funding for gender-affirming care has been fired.

Vanessa Sivadge, 31, announced on social media that the hospital unlawfully fired her on August 16 – months after putting her on leave.

The hospital at the time cited ‘things [she] shared publicly’ as its justification for putting Sivadge on leave after journalist Christopher Rufo published her allegations that the hospital charged Medicaid to cover minors’ cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers against state law.

She now says her claims about the hospital, and a religious accommodation request to transfer out of the endocrinology clinic – where she claims she was forced into the ‘indirect participation in the care of children on cross-sex hormones’ – contributed to the hospital’s decision to fire her.

‘This is unlawful for two reasons: It is retaliation for my coming forward with information on …

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