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China blamed by US for Treasury Department hack | Cybersecurity News [Video]

Chinese state-sponsored hackers were able to steal unclassified documents from United States Treasury workstations earlier this month, the US Treasury Department has said.

The department said on Monday that the hackers were able to compromise a third-party cybersecurity service provider and gain access to the documents in what it described as a “major incident”.

“[The hackers] gained access to a key used by the vendor to secure a cloud-based service used to remotely provide technical support for Treasury Departmental Offices (DO) end users,” a letter sent by the US Treasury Department to Congress said. “With access to the stolen key, the threat actor was able to override the service’s security, remotely access certain Treasury DO user workstations, and access certain unclassified documents maintained by those users.”

A statement from the Treasury said that the department “takes very seriously all threats against our systems, and the data it holds”.

The Treasury …

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