Over two months after Hurricane Helene devastated western North Carolina, the beloved vacation town of Chimney Rock will reopen for one day only to celebrate Christmas. The town of Chimney Rock announced it will open for business next Saturday, Dec. 14, to allow visitors to support the town and see the progress that’s been made since Helene caused catastrophic damage throughout the region. The special event will offer a day of joy and community engagement that highlights the enduring spirit of the beloved town as it recovers from Helene. Christmas in Chimney Rock will run from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. along Main Street. Activities include pictures and toys with Santa, free Christmas goodies from renovated shops, Christmas music and free food. Keep up with the latest news and weather by downloading the WXII app here.For more on this story and others visit our NBC News partner, WCNC.
Over two …