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Chicago Cubs manager Joe Maddon continues to hilariously quote Talladega Nights in postgame press conferences | Golf News and Tour Information [Video]

It’s been an eventful National League Championship Series for Chicago Cubs manager Joe Maddon, to say the least. Despite leading the Cubs to their first World Series title in more than a century last year, fans want to run him out of town for turning to John Lackey in the ninth inning of a Game 2 loss. And umpires have run him out of two of the four games so far, including last night’s 3-2 win that kept the Cubs’ season alive. But through it all, there’s been one constant: The man loves to quote from the movie Talladega Nights in his postgame press conferences.

After getting ejected in Game 4 for arguing whether Dodgers outfielder Curtis Granderson got a piece of a pitch (Maddon was right that he didn’t and the umps got it wrong), the loquacious manager pulled a line from Will Ferrell’s famed character Ricky Bobby when addressing the missed call (Go to the 7:10 mark):

In case you don’t want to watch …

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