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Charting the future: HDFC x Adobe [Video]

Global Marketing Strategies

Charting the future: HDFC x Adobe

Discover how Adobe’s technology helps HDFC tailor personalized experiences, address customer issues, and stay ahead of emerging trends in customer experience. The partnership with Adobe ensures HDFC continues to deliver exceptional service and innovative solutions to our customers.

Key Highlights:
00:00 – HDFC Bank’s 30-year legacy of customer centricity.
00:28 – Embracing digital transformation with Adobe’s partnership.
00:53 – Enhancing self-service experiences for our customers.
01:14 – Collaboration with Adobe’s Customer Success teams.
01:52 – Insights on global banking trends and future technology.

Adobe Experience Cloud gives you the integrated tools you need to excel in cross-channel marketing, digital advertising, audience and data optimization, and more. Explore our capabilities here:

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