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Charities invited to apply for AWS cash and credits [Video]

Integrated Solutions Offering

Amazon Web Services’ 2024 Imagine grant programme has been expanded to include registered charities based in Ireland.

Since the initiative’s launch in 2018, AWS has provided $7m in funding, credits, and training support to 92 non-profit organisations in the USA and United Kingdom.

The award package includes up to $50,000 in unrestricted funding, up to $16,000 in AWS promotional credits, and access to AWS technical support and marketing.

AWS said its Go Further, Faster award will provide support for highly innovative projects that leverage advanced cloud services, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, high performance computing, or  internet of things.

Previous Imagine grant winners are applying AWS technologies across a diverse set of use cases and mission areas, such as: using HPC to analyse massive amounts of climate data; applying advanced AWS data and analytics tools to enable medical research; and modernising and streamlining data systems to boost fundraising operations.

However, the company stressed that it …

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