A Great Pyrenees puppy who couldn’t resist sinking her teeth into her cat sibling’s tail has left the internet in hysterics.
At first, it seemed as though Gunther the orange cat and Holly the puppy were sharing a sweet moment, as they appeared to gently cuddle up to one another. Their owner Bronwen, 26, got her phone out to record, but things immediately took a turn after that.
As Gunther waved his tail in front of Holly’s face, she simply couldn’t resist the temptation and started chewing it. The 7-month-old Great Pyrenees pup tried to play it off casually when she got caught out, but there was no denying her mischief.
Bronwen, from Boston, Massachusetts, told Newsweek that the duo gets along (most of the time), but they’re just like most siblings who love to “play around and mess with each other.”