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Cat Owner Hears ‘So Much Crying,’ Viewers Not Prepared for What She Finds [Video]

Public Relations

When a cat owner heard unusual crying coming from the living room, she immediately rushed to the scene, and what she saw has melted hearts on social media.

In a viral TikTok video shared on January 4 by @soccercatmom, Ashley Saldana walks into the living room asking her cats “what is happening,” as one of the felines named Pudding meows back at her while biting chunks out of a cardboard box on the floor.

Meanwhile, a second cat named Poppy begins crying from inside the box, unable to get out after accidentally getting stuck while playing with her sister.

“I couldn’t figure out why there was so much crying going on. Poppy got stock under the box so Pudding was eating a hole through to save her. Sweetest kitties ever,” the video’s text overlay reads.

Saldana from Maple Valley, Washington, told Newsweekthat Pudding and Poppy love boxes and the night before the TikTok clip was taken, they kept climbing …

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