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Canada refreshes branding with new EduCanada name, logo [Video]

Global Marketing Strategies

The Canadian government launched a new national brand for its international education offering, EduCanada, this week at AIEA’s annual conference in Montreal. A new logo and strapline – A world of possibilities – were unveiled at the event, which will be used in marketing materials and on social media to promote Canada as a world-class study destination.

“[The brand] offers a cohesive national image to help governments, educational institutions, and other partners promote excellent educational opportunities across the country,” Amy Mills, spokesperson for Global Affairs Canada (formerly DFATD), the government department responsible for the rebrand, told The PIE News.

“We’re quite excited about the potential this will bring in terms of refreshing the brand”

The branding will be rolled out in the coming months, along with a new EduCanada website to replace the current Education au/in Canada website. It will be used throughout Canada’s network of more than 100 embassies, high commissions, and consulates, all of …

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