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Building an emergency disaster kit can be easy and cheap, heres how | [Video]

Emergency management leaders encourage individuals and families to have a plan in the event of a disaster. People, according to some experts, should prepare to survive on their own for seven to 10 days. Here’s Washington’s King County Department of Emergency Management’s suggestions on how to make an emergency kit on a budget for individuals and families.


Take the time to think about your daily activities. What do you need to do to ensure that you are able to recover from a disaster that disrupts your life? Do you have pets? Below are basics for a checklist.


• 1 gallon per person per day


• Non-perishable food with a long shelf-life

• Consider products that do not require cooking

• Food items you like to eat


• Light-sources that are battery powered or hand-cranked

• Portable radio and extra batteries (a great way to stay informed)

• Have alternate means to charge …

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