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Briefing: Partnership working to raise awareness of insurance fraud [Video]

Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

’Publicising work and successes is an important part of our strategy’, says Ifed’s detective chief inspector

By Thomas Hill

Policing uses a framework, initially developed by Counter Terrorism Policing, which focuses on four strands – prevent, pursue, protect and prepare.

The protect strand is a key feature of the Home Office’s fraud strategy and one of the three pillars that makes up the strategy focuses on empowering the public, so that they are more likely to avoid fraud and the harm that comes with it.

We know that someone is more likely to be a victim of fraud than any other crime type and so successful collaboration in raising public awareness is key.

In the Insurance Fraud Enforcement Department (Ifed), this relates to increasing victim support and communications so the public can better protect themselves against insurance fraud.

Effective partnerships

In February last year, Ifed worked with the Insurance Fraud Bureau (IFB) to raise awareness …

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