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Box to become a better runner, run to become a better boxer [Video]

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To the outside observer, there’s a tremendous difference between athletics and boxing, let alone running and boxing. The focus of the big events of boxing is combat. One person trying to beat the other with their fists in as little time as possible, it would seem. In running, it’s all about pacing, endurance, and ensuring that you keep your mind in the right place throughout. Both are athletic solo sports, but the way they’re enacted seems very different.

However, as we’ve explored with former Commonwealth middleweight champion Tommy Langford, there’s actually a lot of crossover if you’re doing it right. He cited timings, anaerobic, and aerobic systems as being very similar, with particularly track work being key to his fitness and sharpness. In turn, having that kind of endurance allowed for the reaction speed, movements, and explosiveness to remain tip-top.

Running at the core of boxing

The primary benefits of running are that it’s constantly activating key systems that …

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