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Bought Pyrex? You could be owed a refund [Video]

Global Marketing Strategies

(WJW) – The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced this week that $88,000 in refunds are coming for some customers who purchased Pyrex.

Customers who purchased measuring cups marketed as “Made in USA” by Instant Brands, the maker of Pyrex kitchen products are owed, the FTC says.

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An FTC investigation revealing that some of these measuring cups were imported from China.

In 2023, the FTC charged Instant Brands for misleading advertising, stating that the company falsely claimed all its popular glass measuring cups were manufactured in the United States. According to the agency, over 110,000 units of the Chinese-made measuring cup sets were sold to U.S. consumers under the “Made in USA” label.

Checks will be sent to 10,259 people affected by the issue.

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