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Boston Rat Walk highlights one neighborhood’s rodent hotspots [Video]

Boston’s Allston neighborhood may be known as “rock city” thanks to its music scene. But many residents know it more notoriously as “rat city” thanks to its flourishing rodent scene.“I find them a little bit endearing!” said Ceci Costas, who has lived in the Allston-Brighton neighborhood for several years.Costas was one of several dozen people who participated in a Rat Walk Thursday night, hosted by the leaders of the Rat City Arts Festival.”Big cheers to the first Allston Rat Walk!” said Ricky Meinke, a festival leader said to a cheering crowd. “This is amazing!”The Rat City Arts Festival, featuring a variety of events over several days, seeks to highlight local artists. But leaders also want to elevate the rat problem — an issue that has both plagued the community and brought it closer together.”We know you see them!” said Meinke.Enthusiastic participants were given flashlights and glowsticks as they gathered on …

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