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Boost Your SEO with Social Media [Video]

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Boost Your SEO with Social Media

Let’s talk about giving your SEO a real boost with some help from social media. Combining SEO with social media can be a winning formula if you do it correctly, and here’s how:

You need to have a clear social media strategy to get people talking about your brand. This will lead to more “branded” searches that drive more traffic to your website.

Next, make sure that you have links in your social media content going to your website whenever possible.

Yes, these are no-follow links and don’t directly contribute to your SEO. But they still help broaden your reach.

Content is king, but distribution is queen. So make sure you keep sharing your content to reach more audience.

Social media is all about making connections. So don’t just stop at posting content; engage with others as well by commenting on their content. Build relationships so that more people will know you and your brand

Last but not least, make sure you optimise your social media profiles. Add your website link to your profiles so that people can easily find and visit your website.

Are you combining SEO with social media to drive more attention to your brand? What’s your approach? Share in the comments below!

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