Community Building and Management

Book it: Groundbreaking new library and apartments in East Baltimore [Video]

BALTIMORE — Book it! The Johnston Square neighborhood is getting revitalized. An empty site which was once vacant is getting rebooted. The area in east Baltimore is getting a new library and new apartments. The end result is to make this space a home for education and culture.

Greenmount Park Apartments

A groundbreaking event for the new Enoch Pratt branch and Greenmount Park Apartments turned the first page for the building projects Tuesday afternoon.

“This is more than just a groundbreaking; it is a testament to the power of community-driven development,” said Sean Closkey, President of ReBUILD Metro.

“In most cases, great buildings like this are created without addressing the surrounding area, but this building is a cornerstone of a larger community reinvestment that is restoring over 300 vacant and at-risk properties into new homes and community assets. Residents will benefit whether they live in this building or across the street from it.”’

Johnston Square Enoch Pratt Free Library

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