Birmingham police report a 7% decrease in overall violent crime citywide, but homicides remain high due to the use of Glock switches.”This year was the year of the Glock switch and machine gun conversion devices,” Birmingham Police Officer Truman Fitzgerald said. “And what we have seen is those devices caused devastation throughout our city. They fire multiple rounds in a matter of seconds. In many of our mass shootings, the suspect or suspects had a Glock switch or machine gun conversion device.”Birmingham police attribute the difficulty in cracking down on Glock switches to the lack of a state law banning them. A Glock switch converts a semi-automatic gun into a fully automatic gun, allowing for multiple rounds to be released in seconds. This modification decreases firing accuracy and causes more harm to a greater number of people.Despite the challenges posed by Glock switches, Birmingham police have seen a 7% drop …
Birmingham police report drop in violent crime despite rise in homicides [Video]