Public Relations

Biden ramps up schedule following debate fallout [Video]

Hulda Erdman was born on July 6, 1918. (KFYR)

Both houses were significantly damaged and a tenant living in one of the homes was displaced as a result. (WCBS, ROBERTO QUINTANA, CNN)

State and local officials have urged coastal residents to be prepared for possible storm surge flooding, heavy rain and high winds. (KRIS, VIEWER PHOTOS, CNN)

All of the rides at the carnival have now been shut down for the rest of the weekend due to safety concerns. (KOMO, CHRISTINE RICHARDS, CITY OF OAK HARBOR, CNN)

Two people were killed and three others injured in an attack that broke out during a neighborhood Fourth of July gathering, police said. (KCAL, KCBS)

President Biden used a TV interview to repeatedly reject taking a medical evaluation that would show he is up for serving another term. (CNN, ABC NEWS, POOL)

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