Public Relations

Biden Forgets His Secretary Of Defense’s Name, Calls Him ‘The Black Man’ [VIDEOS]

A recent clip of Joe Biden fumbling over Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s name and awkwardly referring to him as “the Black man” has caught fire on social media, generating widespread concern about the leader’s mental acuity and political competence.

The viral excerpt, originating from Black Entertainment Television (BET) interview as part of the Black America Votes special, showcases Biden’s stumble as he attempted to articulate his thoughts: “And so, it’s all about, it’s all about treating people with dignity. It’s about making sure that—look. I mean, for example, look at the heat I’m getting because I named uh, the secretary of defense, the Black man, I named Ketanji Brown, I mean, because of the people I’ve named.”

BIDEN: “Look at the heat I’m getting because I, I named a, uh, the, uh, secretary of defense — the black man” 🥴

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 18, 2024

This latest blunder raises heightened concerns surrounding Biden’s health and mental acuity, …

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