Public Relations

Automatic 3D Asset Generation: create interactive 3D environments from simple text prompts [Video]

Automatic 3D Asset Generation: create interactive 3D environments from simple text prompts

EON Reality’s Automatic 3D Asset Generation is revolutionizing content creation by transforming simple text prompts into immersive, interactive 3D environments. Leveraging advanced AI and a vast 3D asset library, this groundbreaking feature empowers users to effortlessly create engaging learning experiences across diverse fields. With a 95% success rate in generating high-quality 3D models, EON Reality is redefining the possibilities of XR content creation.

Key highlights of the Automatic 3D Asset Generation feature include:
– 95% success rate in automatic 3D model generation, up from 15% in the previous version
– Advanced AI algorithms for more precise and relevant 3D model creation
– Enhanced visual fidelity with higher quality and more detailed 3D models and environments
– Real-time generation of complex 3D environments and assets
– Simulator-grade interactivity for engaging, hands-on learning experiences

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