Walker Corporation’s latest development application could ease Sydney’s housing crisis woes, with ‘Australia’s largest single standalone DA ever lodged’ promising more than 9,000 new homes in the south-west.
With approvals for new construction at record lows, developer Walker Corporation’s ‘Future Appin’ project would provide thousands of homes into the housing supply pipeline in Greater Sydney.
The plans for Appin, located in the Macarthur region, include dwelling numbers in excess of 9,000 alongside more than $2 billion in state and local infrastructure, including water and sewage, shops, community facilities and sports ovals, as well as land for schools, roads and transport corridors.
The project area also includes a $1.9 billion business park set to provide 10,000 jobs to the area, along with 5 million square metres of conservation land, with revegetation programs to plant tens of thousands of new trees around the community to protect the local koala population.
Submitted to Wollondilly Shire Council, Walker engaged in a detailed consultation process to see the DA assessed and approved by …