Community Building and Management

As Team Fortress 2 veterans gaze at Deadlock with interest and envy, steadfast fans are still waiting for Valve to notice them [Video]

(Image credit: Valve)

It’s probably unfair to say Team Fortress 2 is on life support—Steam Workshop content is implemented regularly enough and the recent bot banwaves show Valve at least has a hand (or pinky finger) on the wheel—but it has been a hot minute since the game has had a meaningful content drop. The elder statesman FPS still gets its annual, community-led Summer Update, but it’s coming up on seven long years since Valve threw its weight behind TF2 with the Jungle Inferno update that brought new maps, items, and Pyro balancing. Valve implied the same treatment would be coming to the Heavy as well, but so far, every content update since has come with the same caveat: manage your expectations.

It’s arguably impressive Team Fortress 2 was supported with meatier updates for as long as it was since its launch in 2007, but despite its age, TF2 boasts a content-hungry and massive …

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