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Argentinian Town Struggles to Cope with Yearly Parrot Invasion [Video]

Every year, Hilario Ascasubi, a town in the south of Argentina’s Buenos Aires province, is invaded by tens of thousands of noisy cliff parrots that cause millions of dollars in damage.

The people of Hilario Ascasubi have been “under siege” by a giant colony of parrots for several years now, but many are complaining that things are getting worse every year. The parrot population is growing, and so is the level of property damage they cause. The green-feathered birds love nothing more than biting on electrical and internet wires, driving providers crazy in a neverending race to keep networks in working order. Bird droppings on sidewalks and streets are also a big problem, as is the constant noise the birds make night and day. Many of the 5,000 inhabitants of Hilario Ascasubi are at their wits’ end, claiming that they can’t go on living alongside the birds, but there isn’t …

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