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Are racist cotton picking text messages real? [Video]

Public Relations

The FBI and attorneys general in Virginia and Washington, D.C. confirmed that they are aware of the offensive text messages circulating across the country.

On Nov. 6, the day after the election, multiple people on social media from all across the country claimed they or someone they know received a racist text message telling them to report to the nearest plantation to either pick cotton or become a “house slave.”

The messages appear to include iterations of the following text:


You have been selected to pick cotton at the nearest plantation. Be ready at 1:00 pm SHARP with your belongings. Our Executive Slaves will come get you in a Brown Van, be prepared to be searched down once you’ve enter the plantation. You are in Plantation Group C. good day.”

A VERIFY reader sent us a screenshot of one of the messages circulating online and asked us to confirm whether they are real.


Are racist text messages …

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