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Arduino Air Quality Sensing Umbrella (video)

User Experience (UX) Design

If you enjoy building projects using the Arduino platform you might be interested in this air quality sensing umbrella created by a team of students at Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design (CIID).

The sensing umbrella has been designed to measure the air quality in your locality and is capable of measuring both CO and NO2 pollution levels. Watch the videos after the jump to learn more.

The team behind the awesome sensing umbrella Ardunio project include Massimo Banzi (Arduino) and Giorgio Olivero (TODO Design). Who explain a little more about the device and its inspiration :

“The Sensing Umbrella is a platform to gather, display, and share hyperlocal air pollution data. Each umbrella serves as a node for measuring CO and NO2 pollution levels and can provide exceptionally granular data to pollution databases and for scientific analysis.

Simultaneously, the light visualisations inside the umbrella respond to pollution levels in real time and spread awareness of air quality in the …

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