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Apple’s “I’m a Mac” Guy Swears Fealty to Qualcomm [Video]

Marketing Technology

While it seems that the “PC wars” has now shifted from Windows vs Mac to an ongoing face-off between Arm vs x86, some aspects of the accompanying culture war remain the same. One good example is the launch of Qualcomm’s latest adverts for its new Snapdragon X chips for Windows, with the San Diego company teasing an ad which brings us back to the days of yore.

For those of you too young to remember, one of Apple’s most well-known marketing campaigns for its Mac line of computers back in the day involved a skit with actors John Hodgman and Justin Long, who each represented PC and Mac computers, respectively. As the commercials would go, Long would highlight some of the things that Mac computers supposedly did better than Windows PCs, and so on.

“Things change” though, which is the same line that Long utters in his latest ad, now …

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