Community Building and Management

Anderson Cooper is Helping Everyone to Grieve and Process [Video]

Silver fox Anderson Cooper has been helping his grieving followers to process their feelings. Back in 2022, Cooper announced on his podcast All There is with Anderson Cooper, that he would be accepting voicemails of people who were grieving or had learned something from grief which could help others through an ‘Online Grief Community.’ Fast forward to 2023, the popular broadcast journalist had listened to over 1,000 submissions of people who had shared their stories of grief. 

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The 57-year-old podcast host introduces the online grief community in a brief video on the website. He begins by saying, ‘Grief can feel so lonely,‘ and that sentiment rings heartbreakingly true. The online community created by Anderson Cooper goes beyond just videos of him speaking; he actively engages with followers and community members in the comments section, ensuring genuine connections and contributing to the difficult conversation about …

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