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Analyzing the seismic shift toward private and hybrid clouds [Video]

A decade ago, public cloud was the de-facto standard, promising scalability, flexibility and cost savings. Given the explosion in data volumes and proliferation of workload types, companies are now reassessing cloud strategies and moving select workloads to private and hybrid clouds.

What’s the root cause of this seismic shift,and how will it impact artificial intelligence operations?

“We saw that there was some labor shortages in the lift and requirements to get some traditional applications there,” said Mike Gannon (pictured, left), president of North America at Broadcom Inc. “We started recognizing some cost concerns around once the application was there, was it the most efficient place to run it? We’re starting to see a rebalancing of what is the appropriate workload to run at the cloud.”

Gannon and Stephen Elliot (right), group vice president at International Data Corp., spoke with theCUBE Research’s Dave Vellante and Rob Strechay at VMware Explore, during an exclusive broadcast on theCUBE, …

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