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Analysis: Apple tax, the next steps and 14 billion burning a hole in Ireland’s pocket [Video]


After eight years, seemingly endless political wrangling and lots of big paydays for lawyers, Ireland’’s Apple tax saga has finally come to an end.

Fickle creatures that we are, attention has already turned to what happens next.

Like most things to do with this case, details have been somewhat confusing.

So here’s some of the most important stuff in one place.Appeals

For full details on the case, there’s plenty of background available.

The short of it is that the European Commission has been vindicated in its assessment that between 2004 and 2014, Apple should have paid extra Irish tax amounting to €13 billion (plus interest).

The finding, first made in 2016, has finally been backed up by the higher court of the European Court of Justice.

Initially after yesterday’s announcement, there was confusion as to whether Apple could appeal the decision again – seemingly endless legal battles have become somewhat of a trademark …

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