Public Relations

Algonquin College students work to destigmatize mental illness [Video]

Students at Algonquin College are taking a stand against the stigma surrounding mental health with a series of events to raise money and awareness.

Algonquin College’s public relations program launched the #ShatterTheSilence campaign Monday to raise funds for the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre.

“Algonquin College public relations program, for the past 30 years, has been running charity campaigns to benefit local non-profit organizations,” said Lois Caracas, an Algonquin College public relations student.

The campaign also aims to reduce mental health stigma.

“We believe that The Royal’s work is very important, and we have researchers here,” Caracas said. “They have been very involved with us. They benefit the community in ways that is far reaching. In addition to that, we believe that we ourselves and our community around us have a chance, have a hand in shattering the silence.”

Dawson Richards, another student in …

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