Global Marketing Strategies

Albertsons Launches Collective TV Beet.TV [Video]

CANNES — The advertising industry is looking for alternative ways to target high-quality audiences as cookies disappear from the marketplace.

Retail media, with its access to valuable first-party data based on real shopper behaviors, is stepping up to fill this gap.

In this video interview with Beet.TV, Kristi Argyilan, SVP of Retail Media at Albertsons Companies, says retailers can now build scaled audiences based on people’s real shopping behavior, providing an upgrade from the industry’s past targeting methods.

Retail media allows advertisers to measure whether a business outcome happened, moving beyond simply looking at impressions to analyzing how much of a product was sold.

“Everything that we do is around what they have permissioned us to do and what they’ve signaled to us, what they have told us they want us to do,” Argyilan tells Editorial Director Lisa Granatstein.

However, Argyilan notes that the systems and structures are not yet …

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