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Alberta to ban cellphones in K-12 classrooms starting in fall [Video]

Social Media Analytics

Alberta is moving to ban cellphones in kindergarten to Grade 12 classrooms starting in the fall.

Alberta Education Minister Demetrios Nicolaides said Monday that cellphones help with learning but can also be a distraction and lead to cyberbullying.

He said there will be exceptions for students who use phones for health needs, such as monitoring blood sugar levels.

Otherwise, personal devices must be turned off and stored out of sight during class time. School internet networks will also have to limit access to social media, Nicolaides said.

Alberta had allowed school boards to set a patchwork of cellphone rules amid mounting concern from teachers and parents that the devices were disrupting learning.

“The risks to students’ mental well-being and academic success are real, and we must take steps now to combat these effects,” Nicolaides said.

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Alberta follows the lead of Quebec, Ontario and B.C., where governments have announced or implemented …

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