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AI will Create More Creative Jobs Than There are Today [Video]

Marketing Technology

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg seems to firmly believe that “in the future, there will be far more creative jobs than there are today”. 

In a recent interview with Kallaway, Zuckerberg shared that as technology evolves, so do the AI tools we use, and staying updated with these is crucial for everyone in the creative space. He reiterated that in the future most forms of everyday work would require more imagination.

In an episode of the Lex Fridman Podcast, the Meta founder and CEO said that a lot more people will work on creative stuff in the future – it would then be considered similar to traditional labour or service.

However, Mira Murati, the chief technology officer of OpenAI, believes otherwise. 

During an interview at the AI Everywhere event at Dartmouth College, she said, “Some creative jobs may go away, but maybe they shouldn’t have been there in the first place.”

Source: X

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