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AI Take the Wheel: How Autonomous Vehicles Have Evolved [Video]

Public Relations

When you think of the epicenters of artificial intelligence and robotics, places like Silicon Valley or Boston likely come to mind. Pittsburgh has also carved out a niche as a hub for AI innovation, specializing in autonomous vehicles. 

Many in the AI talent pool come from Carnegie Mellon University, which is where we find this week’s guest on The Disruption Is Now. Dr. Jeff Schneider is a research professor at CMU’s Robotics Institute and distinguished expert in machine learning with 15 years of experience developing algorithms for industrial, science, and government applications. He joins host Greg Matusky to discuss the region’s pivotal role in projects like Uber’s autonomous driving program and Caterpillar’s self-driving mining trucks.

The discussion goes far beyond autonomous vehicles, though. Dr. Schneider shares details about how AI is being used to tackle global challenges like clean energy production through nuclear fusion — a potential game-changer for issues like climate change and food scarcity.

For communicators and marketers intrigued by AI’s impact, the …

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