Global Marketing Strategies

AI Shortcuts To Make Money Online Fast Affiliate Marketing Dude [Video]

1. Get an Aged Auction Domain

Instead of starting from scratch with a brand-new domain, buy an aged auction domain that already has a presence in Google. When you start with a brand-new blog, it can take months for Google to even recognize that your site exists. On the other hand, an aged domain already has backlinks, authority, and search engine recognition, which can lead to faster rankings and traffic.

You can find aged domains through platforms like SpamZilla or GoDaddy Auctions. Look for domains that match your niche or have the potential to drive traffic based on their previous content. Some domains are even available for as little as $10. This strategy allows you to build on existing value and skip over the slow process of getting a new site indexed and ranked by Google.

2. Pick a Highly Focused Niche

One of the keys to blogging success is choosing a highly targeted niche. Instead of going broad (e.g., health and …

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