, /PRNewswire/ — AgileSherpas, a premier consulting organization specializing in marketing agility, have collaborated with Forrester on their recent report, “The State Of Agile Marketing: Insights Informed by AgileSherpas’ State of Agile Marketing Report 2024.” The report helps marketers understand the state of Agile marketing and learn best practices for adopting Agile methodologies.
The data showed that the greatest challenge marketers experienced was too many last-minute requests (52%). Second (32%) was a lack of consistent ways of working across projects. Both demonstrate how poor processes and process management create significant challenges for marketing teams. Not enough are investing in operations, leading to poor processes and related challenges.
The original report shows how Agile ways of working tackle these operational challenges. Agile marketing teams use more consistent practices and processes, as well as standard project management tools. As a result, 83% of marketers report positive experiences with Agile, as they are …