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Advanced threat detection uncovers long-dwell attacks [Video]

As cyberattacks become more sophisticated, advanced threat detection continues to play a critical role in safeguarding enterprise environments, particularly against long-standing threats with extended dwell times.

Despite technological advances, some threats manage to evade detection for prolonged periods. Cybersecurity teams face the challenge of not only detecting immediate threats, but also uncovering those that remain hidden, which can cause significant and potentially devastating damage. The complexities of long-dwell threats require modern detection tools and advanced threat detection strategies to uncover these threats before they lead to further harm.

“Dual time over the years has consistently gone down, but there’s always this weird spike between six months and five-plus years of a significant amount of data in our data set to cause a blip, said Kirstie Failey(pictured, right), principal threat analyst at Mandiant Inc., part of Google Cloud. We really wanted to look at what is causing that because it’s really great … [that] it’s getting better, but …

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