SPRINGFIELD, Ohio — A waste management employee in Summit County is known throughout the community as “Springfield’s favorite trash man.”
Republic Services residential front load driver Ryan Cunningham gained a following by making “trash tips” on a Springfield community Facebook page. The posts went viral, and folks enjoyed learning more about how to help out the men and women who collect their trash weekly.
Just about 6 a.m. every Thursday, Cunningham makes sure to spend extra time on his route with his friend, Blake Noland.
Ryan pulling up in his Republic Services truck is the highlight of Blake’s entire week.
Even in 10-degree weather and snow, Blake waits for Cunningham with his mom, Rosemary, in the driveway.
“The second I got out, this guy, is more excited to see the trash truck and me than anybody else,” said Cunningham.
Blake prepares for his favorite morning of the week by starting …